Peter Coyote Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Peter Coyote

Peter Coyote has captivated audiences. He has done so with his unique voice and strong acting. He has been doing this for decades. Coyote was born on October 10, 1941, in New York City. His real name is Robert Peter Cohon.

He is a seasoned actor with a career of over 50 years. At 83 years old, his talent and charisma continue to shine on screen. Standing at 6 feet 2 inches tall and his weight is 86kg. Coyote’s presence is as impressive as his talent.

Who is Peter Coyote?

Peter Coyote is a famous actor with a cool voice, kind of like another actor named Henry Fonda. He was born in a big city called New York City. People love to hear him talk in movies and on TV because his voice is special.

He has been in a movie about a cute alien named E.T. and another movie with a lady named Julia Roberts. Peter Coyote is also his movie name, but his real name is Robert Peter Cohon. He’s very tall and has been in lots of films. He has a daughter and he loves telling stories.


Peter Coyote
Date of Birth
October 10, 1941
83 years old as of 2024
New York

Real Name

Peter Coyote’s real name isn’t the name most people know him by. When he was born, his parents named him Robert Peter Cohon.

It’s kind of like when you play games and pick a special name for your character. Peter Coyote sounds like a name from a wild and exciting story, doesn’t it? So, when you hear about Peter Coyote, remember that’s the name he picked to tell his own life’s story!

Early Life and Education

Peter Coyote was a little boy just like you, growing up in a big place called New York City. When he was your age, he went to school and learned how to read, write, and do lots of interesting things. He liked to listen to stories and imagine he was part of them.

Later, he went to a college named Grinnell College, where he learned even more cool stuff. It was there that something amazing happened! The President of the United States, President Kennedy, invited him to the White House. Imagine going to such a big, important house when you’re still learning!

Parents and siblings.

Peter Coyote’s father excelled at managing finances. He saved his allowance for major purchases. His dad’s name was Morris Cohon, and he helped people decide the best way to use their money.

Peter Coyote doesn’t talk much about brothers or sisters. So, we don’t know if he played hide and seek with siblings or if he was an only child, making up grand adventures on his own.


Peter Coyote has been married to two special women in his life. His first wife was Stefanie Pleet. After they were no longer married, he married Marilyn McCann. Just like some people have more than one best friend, Peter Coyote has had two wives.

These women have been a part of his journey, sharing happy days and making memories together. Even though the blog doesn’t talk a lot about them, it’s nice to know that they were important people in Peter’s life.


Peter Coyote has a child named Ariel. Just like in your family, you might have brothers or sisters to play with. Ariel is Peter Coyote’s special person. They share laughs, stories, and maybe even watch movies. Imagine having a dad who can tell the best stories with his voice, making every tale come to life!

Ariel gets to experience that. We don’t know if Ariel likes to act like her dad or prefers other fun activities. But, having Peter Coyote as a dad must be like having a storyteller at home every day.

Peter Coyote physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Peter Coyote is really tall, like a basketball player, standing at 6 feet 2 inches! That’s taller than most people you see walking around. He also weight is 86 kilograms, which is just right for someone as tall as he is.

Imagine looking up to see him; you’d probably have to tilt your head back a lot! His height helps him stand out in movies and makes his voice seem even stronger. Peter takes care of himself, and his tall figure is part of what makes him special on screen and off.

Peter Coyote Before Fame

Long before Peter Coyote became famous for his voice and acting, he was just a regular kid. He was growing up in a big city called New York. Imagine playing in the busy streets, going to school, and dreaming about your future, just like you do.

Peter didn’t know then that he would become a movie star. He would tell stories that people worldwide would hear. He probably played games, made friends, and did his homework just like you. Every big star like Peter starts somewhere. For him, it all began in New York City as a little boy with big dreams.

Peter Coyote Career

Peter Coyote has been in a lot of movies and TV shows, telling stories with his voice or acting. Imagine pretending to be different people, like a kind friend or a wise man, in movies. That’s what he does!

He’s also the voice behind stories in over 50 films, where he talks and makes the story exciting. Imagine reading a book aloud, making each character sound different. That’s similar to Peter’s job, but he does it for movies and shows. He even got to act with famous people and be in a big movie about a friendly alien called E.T.

Peter Coyote Net Worth

Peter Coyote has saved up a lot of money from acting in movies and telling stories with his voice. Think of it like a huge piggy bank that he’s been filling for many years. Every time he acts in a movie or narrates a story, he gets some money to put into his piggy bank.

Over all these years, his piggy bank has gotten really full! Now, it’s like he has $2 million in it. That’s a lot of money! It’s like if you saved every allowance you ever got for a really, really long time.

Peter Coyote Famous Reason

Peter Coyote is famous because he has a special voice and acts in movies. One big reason people know him is because of a movie called E.T. where he played a kind character. His voice is so special that when he talks in movies or on TV, people like to listen.

He’s also been in a story with Julia Roberts, where he showed how good he is at acting. Another reason is that he tells stories in over 50 movies and shows, making the stories even more fun to listen to. That’s why lots of people know who Coyote is.

Peter Coyote Nationality and religion.

Peter Coyote comes from a place called America, which makes him an American. It’s like how you might be from a town or city, but on a bigger scale! America is a big country with lots of different people. As for religion, it’s something very personal about what people believe.

Some people go to churches, some to temples, and some have other ways of thinking about big questions. Coyote, like everyone else, has his own beliefs. But remember, what’s most important is how we treat each other, no matter where we’re from or what we believe.

Peter Coyote Legacy and Impact

Peter Coyote has a big voice that has touched many hearts. He’s like a superhero in movies and stories. He makes everyone who listens feel special. His work in movies like E.T. and telling over 50 stories with just his voice has made lots of people happy and inspired.

Imagine if your voice could tell stories that make everyone around the world smile and think. That’s what Peter does. He shows us that using our voices and talents can make a big difference in the world. People remember him not just for his movies, but for the warmth and joy he brings to storytelling.

Peter Coyote Future Plains

Peter Coyote has some exciting plans for the future! Even though he has already done a lot of amazing things, like being in movies and telling stories, he’s not done yet. Peter wants to keep acting in movies and maybe even be in some new TV shows.

He loves sharing stories with his voice, so he plans to narrate more stories for everyone to enjoy. Peter also likes writing, so he might write a book about his adventures. And, of course, he’ll spend lots of time having fun outdoors, reading books, and playing with his pets. There’s always something new around the corner for Coyote!


  • He loves to tell stories. He uses his voice to make characters come alive.

  • He enjoys spending time outdoors, walking, and being in nature.

  • Reading books is one of his favorite things to do. He learns new things from them.

  • Peter likes to write too. He shares stories from his life and imagination.

  • He has fun watching movies. Sometimes, he even talks about them with friends.

  • Peter also loves listening to music. It helps him relax and feel happy.

  • Playing with pets makes him smile. He thinks animals are great friends.

Interesting Facts About Peter Coyote

  • Peter Coyote’s real name is not Peter Coyote! It’s Robert Peter Cohon.

  • He has a very special voice that sounds like another famous actor, Henry Fonda.

  • He was in a movie with a big star, Julia Roberts, called Erin Brockovich.

  • Peter loves to tell stories with his voice and has narrated over 50 films and shows.

  • He played the role of a kind Reverend in a movie called A Walk to Remember.

  • Peter has a child named Ariel.


Who is Peter Coyote?

He’s a famous actor with a special voice who has been in movies and told stories in over 50 shows.

What’s his real name?

His birth name is Robert Peter Cohon, but he likes to be called Peter Coyote.

How tall is he?

Peter Coyote is really tall, like six feet and two inches!

Has Peter Coyote been in any cool movies?

Yes! He was in a very famous movie called E.T. and also acted with Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich.

Does Peter Coyote have kids?

Yes, he has a child named Ariel.

What does Peter Coyote like to do for fun?

Peter loves telling stories. He also loves being outside, reading, writing, and watching movies. He enjoys listening to music and playing with pets.


In the end, Peter Coyote is a very talented man. He has done so many cool things! He’s been in movies, talked over 50 shows and films with his amazing voice, and even met a president! Peter loves to be outdoors, read, write, watch movies, listen to music, and play with pets. He has a big heart and shares wonderful stories with the world.

Plus, he’s a dad to Ariel, which is pretty special. Peter Coyote has made many people happy with his work, and it’s fun to learn about all the things he’s done. He shows us that using our talents can bring joy to others.


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